MAC6 Blog

Always Learning. Always Teaching.
The Future of Work

The Future of Work

The Future of Work is changing, as employers and employees realize the efficiencies of virtual work. But the Future of Work is concerning, as we think about the long work hours, continuous virtual meetings, and stress that is occurring. As the Future of Work is...

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Day Two

Day Two

I hate running. Like really, really do not like it. And yet, it’s pretty much the only consistent exercise that has ever been in my life. Sure, I’ve fallen off the wagon from time to time. Sometimes it’s for years, sometimes it’s a few weeks. But running always seems...

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The Yawp

The Yawp

If a bear shits in the woods and there is no one around, does it make a sound? Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction.  And in theory, in a world devoid of experienced action, there is silence; Just piles of what was left behind for others to stumble upon...

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Lessons in Leadership:  The Energy to Lead

Lessons in Leadership: The Energy to Lead

Business is not a game.  Starting, running, growing, and sometimes exiting a business takes an enormous amount of energy, and many businesses don’t survive. Too often we hear about a “new” business as an instantaneous success; never hearing about the 10+ years of...

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Finishing the Year Strong

Finishing the Year Strong

Can you believe it? I cannot. This wild, challenging, and transformative year will be coming to a close in just a few short months. What lessons will you be taking with you? What goals will you have accomplished? What impact will you have made? This year has thrown...

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What is a Community?

What is a Community?

Community: [ kuh-myoo-ni-tee ] noun, plural com·mu·ni·ties. a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. a locality inhabited by such a group. a social, religious,...

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