
Conscious Leaders understand and embrace the Higher Purpose of business and focus on creating value for and harmonizing the interests of the business stakeholders. They recognize the integral role of culture and purposefully cultivate Conscious Culture.

The MAC6 Leadership Academy embraces the idea of Conscious Awareness as fundamental to Conscious Leadership. We are transforming how leaders think, feel, and make sense of the world; then we leverage conscious awareness to help leadership teams simplify and clarify to achieve their vision.
• Conscious Leaders gain a deeper understanding about themselves, their behaviors and the motivational factors that move them to action.
• Conscious Leaders gain insight into each other and a new appreciation for what each leader and employee brings to the table.
• Conscious Leadership Teams are characterized by an energized flow of ideas. High Performing Teams, with a robust commitment to balancing differences, can capitalize on opportunity.

The MAC6 Leadership Academy embraces the idea of Vertical Learning as described by The Future of Leadership for Conscious Capitalism by Barrett C. Brown, Ph.D, MetaIntegral Associates.

Eight Big Idea in 336 Words

  • We’ve never experienced a more demanding, fast-paced and complex leadership environment.
  • To thrive as an organization in the 21st-century marketplace – and execute on the vision of Conscious Capitalism® – requires unprecedented leadership capacity and delivery. Most leaders are in over their heads in the face of today’s challenges, unable to adapt and evolve quickly enough. Many are failing as a result.
  • This white paper first discusses the new science of vertical learning and its central role in scaling and embedding Conscious Capitalism. Harvard’s Robert Kegan contends that vertical learning catalyzes a quantum increase in mental complexity. This radically improves a leader’s ability to navigate today’s highly complex, ambiguous, and rapidly changing context, and cascade those new skills into the entire organization.
  • Vertical learning has proven to unlock powerful yet latent mental, emotional, and relational capacities that make leaders more effective across a variety of mission-critical domains. These include improved strategic and systemic thinking, change leadership, stakeholder relationship development, and conflict management.
  • Vertical learning is a needed piece of the puzzle to achieve the promise of Conscious Capitalism. It uniquely cultivates the “consciousness” in Conscious Capitalism. Developed at Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and other world-class institutions, it has become central to leadership and high-performance development. Today it is used within the elite US military and intelligence communities, with Olympic and extreme athletes, and in a growing number of leading organizations.
  • The second half of the paper describes the practices and perspectives of organizational leaders who have accomplished considerable growth through vertical learning. They are among the top 5% of leaders that have developed crucial mental and emotional capacities required to lead complex change.
  • Studies show that leaders like these who undergo significant vertical learning are far more likely to generate the organizational transformation required for high-impact, large-scale Conscious Capitalism. These individuals represent the future of leadership for Conscious Capitalism.
  • The paper concludes with 14 evidence-based and experimental practices you can do to accelerate your own and others’ deep development, and provides considerable support resources to do so.

Visit the MAC6 Leadership Academy to download a copy of The Future of Leadership for Conscious Capitalism, to read the white paper in entirety.