Team member commitment impacts productivity, turnover, and quality. If you have trust and healthy conflict among your team, you can move forward with confidence that everyone is on the same page with projects, ideas, and general business strategies.
Some leaders have eager teams that want to lean in and push the organization’s mission forward. Some don’t. Which do you have?
If you aren’t sure, there are many ways you can get your team from rut and rockstar. Here are three ways to tell when your team lacks commitment:
Lack of Initiative
Initiative is all about taking charge. If a potential project came through the door and a team member with some free time took it on – that’s initiative. If an employee notices a delay in client communication, so she takes it upon herself to establish client communication processes – that’s initiative. Team members who take the initiative to make things better within the organization and for your clients are committed to their jobs. But not all companies have teams like this. If you catch yourself asking, “Anyone? Anyone?” like the teacher in Ferris Bueller, your team may lack initiative.
Sometimes lack of initiative can stem from a company culture issue. One way to help your employees feel empowered enough to take initiative is by setting a clear end goal. By making their objective clear, they will feel more comfortable taking that responsibility and running with it.
If your team lacks initiative, empower them to make decisions without you. “I trust you to make the best decision” has the potential to transform the way your team operates and performs. If you are cringing just thinking about saying that phrase, give it a shot anyway. It’s the easiest way to sprint towards building trust and commitment among your team.
Unclear Responsibilities
Team members who have a fuzzy vision about what they should be doing will never feel fulfilled at work. Each person on your team has different communication styles and operate in different ways. Some want to be told step-by-step exactly what to do, while others want to only be told the objective so they can run with their own way of doing things. Your job is to know the difference and leverage it. It’s up to you to determine what your employees need from you to be their best. If you want your team committed to your business strategy and enthusiastic about executing it, start with clear responsibilities communicated in a way they resonate with.
Afraid of Failure
You’re lying to yourself if you say you aren’t afraid of anything. Failure is scary. It requires you to put yourself out there and be vulnerable, regardless of the outcome. Create a safe environment that encourages your team to get out of their comfort zone and try new things. Position failure in your organization as solutions that don’t work, instead of work that needs to be corrected. As an example, science is built upon failure. Without dozens of failures to figure out what won’t work, scientists would never know what does work. Your business should be the same. Establishing a company culture that embraces failure rather than punishes it, will lead to a stronger, more committed team.
Fostering a company culture that is committed to the organization and its mission requires identifying weak areas and strengthening your team from the inside. You can dive into more successful tactics for tackling commitment issues from business leader Ann Loeher.
If you want more information on the programs and tools Mac6 offers to help teams get out of ruts and back on track, we’d love to connect.