Open floor plans suck and come with too many distractions.
Nerf gun battles, the neighbor who just needs something “really quick,” and the occasional loud phone conversation. Specifically, with coworking spaces, a real concern is being able to work productively with so many people together in one space.
Can you get the benefits of being in a low-cost, high-community space and stay productive? The answer is a resounding ‘YES’!
Here’s what some Mac6 members do to avoid distractions and get the best of both worlds:
Book a Conference Room
If you need a quiet space to focus, book a conference room or a phone room. At Mac6, you can usually find an unreserved room you can use for a good chunk of time. Remember to mind your conference-room manners: ensure you’re not reserving a room all day when others need to use it. Treat this space and time as the opportunity to knock out an important task you just can’t focus on at your desk.
Put in Ear Phones
Pop in earbuds or better yet, noise-canceling headphones. Put on music that helps you focus and turn the power on. This tactic works great when you have a talkative neighbor. The headphones also help signal that you’re focusing on your tasks and can’t collaborate.
Sit Away From Your Team
Is your team causing you to be distracted with their friendly banter? Simply moving away from the chatter can help you stay focused and boost productivity. Whether it’s outside or a seat in the common area, find a space that’s far enough away where you can focus, distraction-free.
Remove Desktop Notifications
Constant pings can really throw off your focus. Whether it’s slack messages, emails, or text messages, do yourself a favor and turn off the desktop notifications. Sure it’s great to communicate and collaborate with your team instantaneously, but it can also be a huge productivity-suck when you need to stay focused. One tip that works is to tell your colleagues you’re going offline to focus with your head down. You may be surprised at how receptive people are to those simple boundaries.
Implement a “Closed-Door” Time
Open offices are great for collaboration and team building. But with everyone out in the open, you can count on major distractions. Implement a “closed-door” timeframe with your coworkers where they know they can’t reach you unless there’s an emergency. While it may seem harsh, it’s crucial to productivity to set boundaries in open office settings. If your coworkers have questions, have them compile them during the “closed-door” time and address them after.
Maintaining focus in a coworking space isn’t as challenging as it may seem. It’s all about staying solutions-focused and not getting hung up on the small things. Want more tips to help you focus in an open office environment? Harvard Business Review has you covered with more great expert advice.
Coworking spaces are a great way to scale your business with flexibility without high-costs. They’re also a great place to embrace community and network among other business leaders. If you’re in the Tempe area and want to checkout Mac6, we’d love to show you around. Contact us to learn more and set up an appointment.